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Submission Instructions

More detailed guidance: How to complete a submission How to create your account

  1. Have you read through our Author Guidelines? If not, please look at it.
  2. To submit an article, please create your account on our site.
  3. Start filling submission form from here. Enter the title and abstract for your article (it should be original, unpublished one). You can insert special characters by clicking the “Insert Special Character” button.
  4. Please use “Save and continue” button to proceed.
  5. Select article type. You can choose from “Research Article,” “Clinical Research,” “Review Article,” “[PPP] Research Article,” “[PPP] Clinical Research,” or “[PPP] Review Article.” Definitions for each of them are shown in the submission form or in Editorial and Publishing Policy The prefix “[PPP]” means you choose to publish your article in Post Publication Peer Review.
  6. In the next screen, enter author information. Editorial Office will contact every author to confirm their authorship.
  7. Enter Keywords which feature the main ideas of the manuscript.
  8. Select one area suitable for your manuscript as Classification. The selection will allow us to find the appropriate academic reviewers for publication and will also allow easier navigation for readers.
  9. Complete the Additional Information form. Some of the information will appear in the publication once accepted.
  10. (Optional) Please suggest name of recommended reviewers or opposed reviewers. Suggested reviewers must not be previous (five years) or future co-authors, and you should clearly state there is no competing interest with them. For opposed reviewers, you need to state the reasons clearly. It cannot be guaranteed that these suggestions are all met.
  11. Upload the relevant files (cover letter, the manuscript, figures and tables, supplemental data). Select an appropriate file type for each of your files.
  12. When all required items are completed, "Submit article" button will appear. In case of Traditional Peer Review, the payment will be after the manuscript is accepted upon approval from peer-reviewers and our Editorial Office. If you choose Post Publication Peer Review, authors need to pay at the time of submission. Editorial Office will send you the payment instruction email.
  13. Right after the success of your submission, an auto reply email will be sent to the author in charge. If you do not receive it, the submission may not be completed. Please contact us if you need help.>

Notes for web-submission form

Please make sure to use “Save and continue” or ”Save and go back” button, or your input will not be saved.

Please make a click in the check-box of “CONFIRM” in each screen or the final screen to send your submission will not appear.