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Suvajit  Sen

Assistant Professor--University of California at Los Angeles

Work Details:

Department: Obstetrics and Gynecology

Institution: University of California at Los Angeles


Institution (in Local Language):   


Article Title/DOI: A pathogenic linked mutation in the catalytic core of human cystathionine beta-synthase disrupts allosteric regulation and allows kinetic characterization of a full-length dimer.

Journal: biochemistry

VOL: 2007

Article Title: Mitochondrial-associated nitric oxide synthase activity inhibits cytochrome c oxidase: implications for breast Cancer.

Journal: free radical biology medicine

VOL: 2013

Article Title: Maintenance of higher H?O? levels and its mechanism of action to induce growth in breast cancer cells: important roles of bioactive catalase and PP2A.

Journal: free radical biology medicine

VOL: 2013

Article Title: Mapping peptides correlated with transmission of intrasteric inhibition and allosteric activation in human cystathionine beta-synthase.

Journal: biochemistry

VOL: 2007

Article Title: Protein phosphatase 2A promotes endothelial survival via stabilization of translational inhibitor 4E-BP1 following exposure to tumor necrosis factor-α.

Journal: Artherosceloris thrombosis and vascular biology .

VOL: 2012