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Cliff James Luke

Assistant Professor--University of Pittsburgh

Work Details:

Department: Pediatrics

Institution: University of Pittsburgh


Institution (in Local Language):   


Article Title/DOI: An intracellular serpin regulates necrosis by inhibiting the induction and sequelae of lysosomal injury.

Journal: Cell

VOL: 2007

Article Title: A pro-cathepsin L mutant is a luminal substrate for endoplasmic-reticulum-associated degradation in C. elegans.

Journal: PLoS One

VOL: 2012

Article Title: Using C. elegans to identify the protease targets of serpins in vivo.

Journal: Methods in Enzymology

VOL: 2011

Article Title: Identification and activity of a lower eukaryotic serine proteinase inhibitor (serpin) from Cyanea capillata: analysis of a jellyfish serpin jellypin.

Journal: Biochemistry

VOL: 2004

Article Title: Serpin production using rapid in vitro transcription/translation systems

Journal: Methods

VOL: 2004