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Mizuki  Kitamatsu

Lecturer--kinki University

Work Details:

Department: Pharmacology

Institution: kinki University

Course: Cardiovascular Control

Institution (in Local Language): 近畿大学  


Article Title/DOI: Synthesis and Properties of Peptide Dendrimers Containing Fluorescent and Branched Amino Acids

Journal: Biopolymers (Peptide Sci.)

VOL: 2013

Article Title: The Three Wavelength Substrate System of Neutrophil Serine Proteinases

Journal: Anal. Chem.

VOL: 2012

Article Title: A Protein Transduction Method using Oligo-Arginine (3R) for the Delively of Transcription Factors into Cell Nuclei

Journal: Biomaterials

VOL: 2012

Article Title: Antisense Effect of Pyrrolidine-Based Oxy-Peptide Nucleic Acids in Escherichia coli

Journal: Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett.

VOL: 2011

Article Title: Peptide, Peptide nucleic acid, Fluorescence, DNA, RNA

Journal: Chem. Commun.

VOL: 2006