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Ahmed  Helal

--University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston

Work Details:

Department: Pharmacology and Toxicology

Institution: University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston

Course: Drug Addiction, Learning and Memory

Institution (in Local Language):   


Article Title/DOI: Circadian rhythms in olfactory responses of Drosophila melanogaster

Journal: Nature

VOL: 1999

Article Title: A new role for cryptochrome in a Drosophila circadian oscillator

Journal: Nature

VOL: 2001

Article Title: Circadian clocks in antennal neurons are necessary and sufficient for olfaction rhythms in Drosophila

Journal: Current Biology

VOL: 2004

Article Title: 10.1111/j.1460-9568.2010.07148.x

Journal: European Journal of Neuroscience

VOL: 2010

Article Title: 10.1371/journal.pone.0025639

Journal: PLoSONE

VOL: 2011