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Anne K Jonassen

Associate Professor--University of Bergen

Work Details:

Department: Department of Biomedicine

Institution: University of Bergen


Institution (in Local Language):   


Article Title/DOI:  doi: 10.1007/s00395-010-0133-0.

Journal: Basic Res Cardiol. 2011 Jan;106(1):135-45.

VOL: 2000

Article Title: Myocardial protection by insulin at reperfusion requires early administration and is mediated via Akt and p70s6 kinase cell-survival signaling.

Journal: Circ Res. 2001 Dec 7;89(12):1191-8.

VOL: 2001

Article Title: Insulin administered at reoxygenation exerts a cardioprotective effect in myocytes by a possible anti-apoptotic mechanism.

Journal: J Mol Cell Cardiol. 2000 May;32(5):757-64.

VOL: 2000

Article Title: Activation of corticotropin releasing factor receptor type 2 in the heart by corticotropin releasing factor offers cytoprotection against ischemic injury via PKA and PKC dependent signaling.

Journal: Regul Pept. 2012 Feb 10;174(1-3):90-7.

VOL: 2012

Article Title: Human catestatin peptides differentially regulate infarct size in the ischemic-reperfused rat heart.

Journal: Regul Pept. 2010 Nov 30;165(1):63-70. doi: 10.1016/j.regpep.2010.07.153.

VOL: 2010