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Carlos A Villalba-Galea

Assistant Professor--Virginia Commonwealth University

Work Details:

Department: Physiology and Biophysics

Institution: Virginia Commonwealth University

Course: Physiology

Institution (in Local Language):   


Article Title/DOI: A human phospholipid phosphatase activated by a transmembrane control module.

Journal: J Lipid Res.

VOL: 2012

Article Title: Molecular mechanism for depolarization-induced modulation of Kv channel closure.

Journal: J Gen Physiol.

VOL: 2012

Article Title: Controlling the activity of a phosphatase and tensin homolog (PTEN) by membrane potential.

Journal: J Biol Chem.

VOL: 2011

Article Title: S4-based voltage sensors have three major conformations.

Journal: Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A.

VOL: 2008

Article Title: Coupling between the voltage-sensing and phosphatase domains of Ci-VSP.

Journal: J Gen Physiol.

VOL: 2009