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Hiroyoshi  Ariga

Professor--Hokkaido University

Work Details:

Department: Graduate of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Institution: Hokkaido University


Institution (in Local Language): 北海道大学 大学院薬学研究院 分子生物学研究室


Article Title/DOI: Possible function of c-myc products: promotion of cellular DNA replication

Journal: EMBO Journal

VOL: 1987

Article Title: DNA replication origin with transcriptional enhancer activity share the c-myc protein binding sequences

Journal: EMBO Journal

VOL: 1989

Article Title: DJ-1, a novel oncogene product which transforms mouse NIH3T3 cells in cooperation with H-ras

Journal: Biochemical and biophysical research communications

VOL: 1997

Article Title: DJ-1 plays a role in anti-oxidative stress to prevent cell death

Journal: EMBO reports

VOL: 2004

Article Title: Neuroprotective effect of a new DJ-1-binding compound against neurodegeneration in Parkinson's disease and stroke model rats

Journal: Molecular neurodegeneration

VOL: 2011