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Yoshiaki  Kikuchi

Professor--Graduate School of Tokyo Metropolitan University

Work Details:

Department: Human Health Sciences

Institution: Graduate School of Tokyo Metropolitan University


Institution (in Local Language): 首都大学東京大学院 人間健康科学研究科 脳機能解析科学分野


Article Title/DOI: The functional neuroanatomy of maternal love: mother’s response to infant’s attachment behaviors

Journal: Biological Psychiatry

VOL: 2008

Article Title: Spatio-temporal brain activity related to rotation method during a mental rotation task of three-dimensional objects: an fMRI study

Journal: NeuroImage

VOL: 2007

Article Title: Gender differences of brain activity in the conflicts based on implicit self-esteem

Journal: PLoS ONE

VOL: 2012

Article Title: Altered white matter fractional anisotropy and social impairment in children with autism spectrum disorders

Journal: Brain Research

VOL: 2010

Article Title: Imitation behavior is sensitive to visual perspective of the model

Journal: Experimental Brain Reserarch

VOL: 2013