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Keisuke  Ohta

Associate Professor--Kurume Univ. School of Medicine

Work Details:

Department: Anatomy

Institution: Kurume Univ. School of Medicine


Institution (in Local Language): 久留米大学 医学部解剖学 顕微解剖・生体形成部門


Article Title/DOI: 10.1016/j.micron.2011.11.001

Journal: Micron

VOL: 2012

Article Title: 10.1016/j.jsb.2011.10.012

Journal: J Struct Biol.

VOL: 2012

Article Title: 10.1159/000334409

Journal: Cells Tissues Organs

VOL: 2013

Article Title: 10.1016/j.acthis.2012.11.007

Journal: Acta Histochem

VOL: 2013

Article Title: Ultrastructural study of anterograde transport of glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor from dorsal root ganglion neurons of rats towards the nerve terminal.

Journal: Cells Tissues Organs

VOL: 2001