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Katsuzo  Wakabayashi

--Osaka University Engineering Science

Work Details:

Department: Biophysics

Institution: Osaka University Engineering Science

Course: Biophysical Engineering

Institution (in Local Language):   


Article Title/DOI: Laser-Stimulated Luminescence Used to Measure X-ray Diffraction of  a Contracting Striated Muscle

Journal: Science Vol.237 pp.164-168

VOL: 1987

Article Title: Small-Angle Synchrotron X-ray Scattering Reveals Distint Shape Changes of the Myosin Head during Hydrolysis of ATP

Journal: Science Vol.258 pp.443-447

VOL: 1992

Article Title: X-ray Diffraction Evidence for the Extensibility of Actin and Myosin Filaments during Muscle Contraction

Journal: Biophysical Journal Vol.67 pp.2422-2435

VOL: 1994

Article Title: An Insight into the Pathway of the Amyloid Fibril Formation of Hen Egg White Kysozyme Obtained from a Small-angle X-ray and Neutron Scattering Study

Journal: Jounal of Molecular Biology Vol.323 pp.237-251

VOL: 2002

Article Title: Head-Head Interactions of Resting Crossbridges in Intact Frog Skeletal Muscles at Full-Filament Overlap Length Revealed by Synchrotron X-ray Fiber Diffraction

Journal: PLoS ONE e52421

VOL: 2012