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Jacob  Raber

Professor--The Department of Psychology

Work Details:

Department: Behavioral Neuroscience

Institution: The Department of Psychology

Course: Neuroscience of Aging

Institution (in Local Language):   


Article Title/DOI: Apolipoprotein E and cognitive performance

Journal: Nature

VOL: 2000

Article Title: Androgens protect against apoE4-induced cognitive deficits.

Journal: J Neuroscience

VOL: 2002

Article Title: Radiation〓induced cognitive impairments associated with changes in hippocampal neurogenesis.

Journal: Radiation Research

VOL: 2004

Article Title: ApoE isoforms and measures of anxiety in probable AD patients and Apoe〓/〓 mice.

Journal: Neurobiology of Aging

VOL: 2005

Article Title: Sex- and histamine-dependent long-term cognitive effects of methamphetamine exposure.

Journal: Neuropsychopharmacology

VOL: 2007